Placement of Biodesign® surgical matrix during Pinnaplasty to prevent
suture extrusion; A retrospective observational study.
Prominent ears affect 5% of the population(1). For those who wish to
undergo corrective surgery, pinnaplasty reduces pinna prominence. This
has proven improvement on quality of life (QOL) for patients.
Pinnaplasty carries risk, which may lead to delay in this improvement of
QOL, if for example a complication leads to infection, or require
surgical revision The use of Mustardé sutures for pinnaplasties, first
described in 1963 is a well established surgical approach to treat
protruding ears. This approach has good outcomes, however can lead to
suture-extrusion. Here we explore the use of Biodesign surgical mesh to
cover the Mustardé sutures to prevent suture extrusion, and reduce the
likelihood of the need for revision surgery.