not-yet-known not-yet-known not-yet-known unknown Born on June 1, 1940, in Lyon, Jean-François Muller studied in Autun before entering the Collège Stanislas in Paris and obtaining an engineering degree from the Strasbourg Higher National School of Chemistry (ENSCS), where he met his wife, Daniel. After graduating in 1965, he joined the Faculty of Science at the University of Metz at its foundation in 1970, as an Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry. There, he prepared his doctorate in physical sciences, focusing on peri-series cyclisation of naphthalenic and benzo(b)thiophenic compounds (doctorat es-science of physics, 1973). After a first post-doctorate in chemistry-physics at the University of Basel (Switzerland) (1974-1975) and a second one in photochemistry at the University of Utah (USA) (1976-1977), he has specialised and became involved in the development of mass spectrometry in France.