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not-yet-known not-yet-known not-yet-known unknown THE H É NON EQUATION WITH SUPERCRITICAL EXPONENT IN THE GENERAL DOMAIN
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Corresponding Author:ypp15623175603@mails.ccnu.edu.cn

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In this paper, we consider the H e ̵́ non equation { − ∆ u = | x | α u 2 ∗ − 1 + ϵ , u > 0 , in Ω , u = 0 , on ∂ Ω . where Ω is a bounded smooth domain in R N containing the origin, N≥3 and ϵ is a positive constant. M. Ben Ayed et.[2] proved the equation without | x | α doesn’t have the single peaked solution. Moreover, there are few works on the H e ̵́ non equation in a general domain. Inspired by them, we proved the non-existence of the single peak solution to the H e ̵́ non problem by Pohozaev identities.
13 Nov 2024Submitted to Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
15 Nov 2024Submission Checks Completed
15 Nov 2024Assigned to Editor
22 Nov 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
30 Nov 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned