Less Conservative Robust Control of Polytopic Systems Part I: Analysis
by space dilation and the Lagrange method
- Kang-Zhi Liu
, - Shuhei Matsuda,
- Pan Yu,
- Takaki Sugawara,
- Kenta Koiwa,
- Tadanao Zanma
Kang-Zhi Liu

Chiba Daigaku Daigakuin Kogaku Kenkyuka Kogakubu Denki Denshi Kogaku Course
Corresponding Author:kzliu@faculty.chiba-u.jp
Author ProfileShuhei Matsuda
Chiba Daigaku Daigakuin Kogaku Kenkyuka Kogakubu Denki Denshi Kogaku Course
Author ProfilePan Yu
Beijing University of Technology Faculty of Information Technology
Author ProfileTakaki Sugawara
Chiba Daigaku Daigakuin Kogaku Kenkyuka Kogakubu Denki Denshi Kogaku Course
Author ProfileKenta Koiwa
Chiba Daigaku Daigakuin Kogaku Kenkyuka Kogakubu Denki Denshi Kogaku Course
Author ProfileAbstract
Parameter uncertainty is the most frequently encountered model
uncertainty. Although the research on the robust control of parametric
systems has a long history, existing design tools are still either
conservative or not numerically efficient, particularly for the
performance problems. This paper treats polytopic systems which have
good compatibility with physical systems. It is shown that less
conservative robustness conditions can be derived from the well-known
Lagrange method by treating the performance specification as an
objective function in a dilated signal space and regarding the dynamics
as a hyperplane in this space. A broad class of frequency domain
specifications and regional pole-placement are analyzed in detail.
Desirable multiplier structures are also revealed through numerical
analysis. The results lay a solid foundation for an effective robust
performance design of the polytopic systems.