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Hailey- Hailey Disease:- insights from a clinical case
  • +4
  • Prashant Bhatta,
  • Ramesh Khadayat,
  • Pramod Kafle,
  • Utsav Dulal,
  • Amrit Bhattarai,
  • Gaurab Khadka,
  • Sagar Rana Magar
Prashant Bhatta
Patan Academy of Health Sciences
Author Profile
Ramesh Khadayat
Patan Academy of Health Sciences

Corresponding Author:rameshkhadayat123@gmail.com

Author Profile
Pramod Kafle
Chitwan Medical College
Author Profile
Utsav Dulal
BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
Author Profile
Amrit Bhattarai
Universal College of Medical Sciences
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Gaurab Khadka
Madhyabindu District Hospital
Author Profile
Sagar Rana Magar
Patan Academy of Health Sciences
Author Profile
18 Sep 2024Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
21 Sep 2024Submission Checks Completed
21 Sep 2024Assigned to Editor
25 Sep 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
04 Oct 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending