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Lepidagathis kurnoolensis (Acanthaceae: Acanthoideae: Barlerieae): a new species from the Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Raja Kullayiswamy Kusom,
Raja Kullayiswamy Kusom
Dharmavana Nature Ark

Corresponding Author:raju.botany@gmail.com

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Sri Krishnadevaraya University
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Lepidagathis kurnoolensis sp. nov. is a decumbent, woody undershrub found in scrub forests dominated by quartzite stones near Orvakal Mandal in the Kurnool District. This new species resembles Lepidagathis diffusa C.B.Clarke with respect to habit, leaf shape, inflorescence, number of sterile bracts, corolla and fruits but can be distinguished by differences in spike size, morphology of sterile bracts and bracteoles, size and shape of bracts and calyx, and nature of seed. It also resembles Lepidagathis spinosa Wight ex Nees in spike appearance, sterile bract shape, corolla, and fruit shape but differs in its wood nature, leaf shape and size, bracts and bracteoles surface nature, seed morphology and anatomy of stem. A detailed description, illustrations, and field images are provided for easy identification along with a comparative table highlighting the morphological characters of allied species. The IUCN conservation assessment for this species is discussed.
24 Jan 2025Submitted to Nordic Journal of Botany
27 Jan 2025Submission Checks Completed
27 Jan 2025Assigned to Editor
27 Jan 2025Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
05 Feb 2025Reviewer(s) Assigned