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On existence results for elliptic and parabolic systems of partial differential equations in superconductivity
  • Fabio Botelho,
  • Maycon Araújo
Fabio Botelho

Corresponding Author:fabio.silva.botelho@gmail.com

Author Profile
Maycon Araújo
Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC Florianópolis


This article develops existence results for non-linear partial differential equations in superconductivity. Specifically for the parabolic model, the method of proof comprises a variational approach for establishing a concerning solution existence at each instant of time, related to a model discretized in time. Moreover, as a novelty, we have modeled the Ginzburg-Landau system in superconductivity as a two phase one, with a wave function for a super-conducting phase and another for a normal phase.