Olgierd Dróżdż

and 6 more

OBESITY AS A MISLEADING FACTOR IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS: A CASE REPORTOlgierd Dróżdż1, Wiktoria Bińczyk1, Bartosz Siudek2, Katarzyna Błaszczyszyn1, Filip Jan Grajnert3, Michalina Zofia Grzelka3, Maciej Rabczyński11Department and Clinic of Diabetology and Internal Medicine, University Teaching Hospital, Wrocław, Poland2T. Marciniak Specialist Hospital, Wrocław, Poland34th Military Clinical Hospital, Wrocław, PolandCorresponding author: Wiktoria Bińczyk, wiktoria.binczyk98@gmail.comAuthors:Olgierd Dróżdż, Medical DoctorOlgierd.drozdz@gmail.comDepartment and Clinic of Diabetology and Internal Medicine, University Teaching Hospital, 50-556 Wrocław, PolandWiktoria Bińczyk, Medical Doctorwiktoria.binczyk98@gmail.comDepartment and Clinic of Diabetology and Internal Medicine, University Teaching Hospital, 50-556 Wrocław, PolandBartosz Siudek, Medical DoctorBartosz.siudek98@gmail.comT. Marciniak Specialist Hospital, 54-049 Wrocław, PolandKatarzyna Błaszczyszyn, Medical Doctork.blaszczyszynn@gmail.comDepartment and Clinic of Diabetology and Internal Medicine, University Teaching Hospital, 50-556 Wrocław, PolandFilip Jan Grajnert, Medical Doctorf.grajnert@icloud.com4th Military Clinical Hospital, 53-114 Wrocław, PolandMichalina Zofia Grzelka, Medical Doctormichalinagrzelka1@gmail.com4th Military Clinical Hospital, 53-114 Wrocław, PolandMaciej Rabczyński, Medical Doctormaciej.rabczynski@umw.edu.plDepartment and Clinic of Diabetology and Internal Medicine, University Teaching Hospital, 50-556 Wrocław, Poland