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Impact of microphysics and convection schemes on the mean-state and variability of clouds and precipitation in the E3SM Atmosphere Model
  • +13
  • Christopher Ryutaro Terai,
  • Shaocheng Xie,
  • Xiaoliang Song,
  • Chih-Chieh Chen,
  • Jiwen Fan,
  • Guang J. Zhang,
  • Jadwiga H. Richter,
  • Kobby Shpund,
  • Wuyin Lin,
  • Jean-Christophe Golaz,
  • Vincent E Larson,
  • Mitchell W Moncrieff,
  • Yunpeng Shan,
  • Chengzhu Zhang,
  • Kai Zhang,
  • Yuying Zhang
Christopher Ryutaro Terai
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Corresponding Author:terai1@llnl.gov

Author Profile
Shaocheng Xie
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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Xiaoliang Song
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Author Profile
Chih-Chieh Chen
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Jiwen Fan
Environmental Science Division
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Guang J. Zhang
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
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Jadwiga H. Richter
National Center for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
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Kobby Shpund
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Wuyin Lin
Brookhaven National Laboratory
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Jean-Christophe Golaz
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (DOE)
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Vincent E Larson
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Mitchell W Moncrieff
National Center for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
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Yunpeng Shan
Argonne National Laboratory
Author Profile
Chengzhu Zhang
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Author Profile
Kai Zhang
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (DOE)
Author Profile
Yuying Zhang
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Author Profile


Skillful representation of tropical variability and diurnal cycle of precipitation has remained a challenge in global atmosphere models, and often improvements in the variability lead to degradation in the mean-state. Here, we introduce a configuration of the E3SM Atmosphere Model with a new microphysics scheme and several enhancements to the deep convective scheme that improves the variability while keeping the mean-state climatology largely unchanged. The new configuration improves various modes of convectively-coupled equatorial waves, with increased strength of Kelvin waves and more coherent eastward propagation of the Madden Julian Oscillation from the Indian Ocean to the central Pacific Ocean. The same configuration also improves both the phase and amplitude of the diurnal cycle of precipitation, particularly over the continental United States in the boreal summer and over Tropical land regions. Previous studies have shown that, individually taken, some of the deep convective enhancements can improve certain aspects of the variability, and here we show that combining their effects can lead to robust improvements in the variability. This model configuration can form the basis for future studies to examine the response of tropical and diurnal variability under various climate states and their relationships with other modes of variability.