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Arthropod traits as proxies for abundance trends in the Azorean Islands
  • +9
  • Guilherme Oyarzabal,
  • Pedro Cardoso,
  • François Rigal,
  • Mário Boieiro,
  • Ana M. C. Santos,
  • Isabel Amorim,
  • Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte,
  • Ricardo Costa,
  • Sebastian Lhoumeau,
  • Gabor Pozsgai,
  • Rosalina Gabriel,
  • Paulo Borges
Guilherme Oyarzabal
University of the Azores Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and the Environment

Corresponding Author:guilhermeoyarzabal@gmail.com

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Pedro Cardoso
Universidade de Lisboa Centre for Ecology Evolution and Environmental Changes
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François Rigal
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
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Mário Boieiro
University of the Azores Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and the Environment
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Ana M. C. Santos
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
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Isabel Amorim
University of the Azores Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and the Environment
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Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte
Lincoln University
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Ricardo Costa
University of the Azores Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and the Environment
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Sebastian Lhoumeau
University of the Azores Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and the Environment
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Gabor Pozsgai
University of the Azores Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and the Environment
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Rosalina Gabriel
University of the Azores Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and the Environment
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Paulo Borges
University of the Azores Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and the Environment
Author Profile


Human activities drive ecological transformation, impacting island ecosystems from species diversity to ecological traits, mainly through habitat degradation and invasive species. Using two unique long-term datasets we aim to evaluate whether species traits (body size, trophic level, dispersal capacity and habitat occupancy) can predict temporal variations in the abundance of endemic, native non-endemic and exotic arthropods in the Azores Islands. We found that body size is crucial to predict arthropods abundance trends. Small-bodied herbivorous arthropods showed a decrease in abundance, while large-bodied indigenous arthropods increased in abundance, mainly in well-preserved areas. Also, large-bodied exotic arthropods increased in abundance across the entire archipelago. Moreover, endemic canopy dwellers increased in abundance, while endemic ground-dwellers decreased in abundance. Simultaneously, exotic arthropods showed the opposite result, increasing abundance in the ground while decreasing abundance in the canopy. Finally, habitat influenced both endemic and exotic spider abundance trends. Endemic spiders that occupy solely natural habitats experienced a decline in abundance, while exotic spiders in the same habitats increased in abundance. Our study underscores the significance of arthropod species traits in predicting abundance changes in island ecosystems over time, as well as the importance of monitoring species communities. Conservation efforts must extend beyond endangered species to protect non-threatened ones, given the increased extinction risk faced by even common species on islands. Monitoring and restoration programs are essential for preserving island ecosystems and safeguarding endemic arthropod populations.
Submitted to Ecography
16 Apr 2024Assigned to Editor
16 Apr 2024Submission Checks Completed
16 Apr 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
10 Jun 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
09 Jul 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
16 Jul 2024Editorial Decision: Accept