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Dependence of premature ventricular complexes on heart rate -it's not that simple
  • +5
  • Adrien Osakwe,
  • Noah Wightman,
  • Marc W Deyell,
  • Zachary Laksman,
  • Alvin Shrier,
  • Gil Bub,
  • Leon Glass,
  • Thomas M Bury
Adrien Osakwe
Department of Quantitative Life Sciences, McGill University

Corresponding Author:adrien.osakwe@mail.mcgill.ca

Author Profile
Noah Wightman
Department of Quantitative Life Sciences, McGill University
Marc W Deyell
Division of Cardiology and Centre for Cardiovascular Innovation, University of British Columbia
Zachary Laksman
Division of Cardiology and Centre for Cardiovascular Innovation, University of British Columbia
Alvin Shrier
Department of Physiology, McGill University
Gil Bub
Department of Physiology, McGill University
Leon Glass
Department of Physiology, McGill University
Thomas M Bury
Department of Physiology, McGill University

Corresponding Author: