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Detection of Human Herpesvirus-6A and B in infertile men and the relationship with altered seminal parameters
  • +2
  • Patricia Biganzoli,
  • Leonardo Ferreyra,
  • Jessica Mosmann,
  • Jorge Pavan,
  • Cecilia Cuffini
Patricia Biganzoli
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Instituto de Virologia Dr Jose Maria Vanella
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Leonardo Ferreyra
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Instituto de Virologia Dr Jose Maria Vanella

Corresponding Author:leonardo.ferreyra@unc.edu.ar

Author Profile
Jessica Mosmann
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Instituto de Virologia Dr Jose Maria Vanella
Author Profile
Jorge Pavan
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Instituto de Virologia Dr Jose Maria Vanella
Author Profile
Cecilia Cuffini
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Instituto de Virologia Dr Jose Maria Vanella
Author Profile


The purpose of this study was to detect the presence of HHV-6 A and HHV-6 B in genital samples of infertile men, relating these findings to alterations of normal seminal parameters, considering only those samples in which there was no co-infection with other frequent genital tract microorganisms such as Chlamydia trachomatis, Human Papillomavirus, and Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2. For these assays, were processed 105 semen and urethral swab samples from men with a diagnosis of infertility. Seminal parameters were determined for each of them and subsequently molecular biology tests were performed to detect DNA for HHV-6 A, HHV-6 B, HSV, HPV, and Chlamydia trachomatis Of the total samples processed, 28.5% (30/105) were positive for HHV-6 A/B of which 23.3% (7/30) corresponded to HHV-6 A and 76.7% (23/30) corresponded to HHV-6 B. No HHV-6 A and B coinfection was detected. HHV-6A co-infected with any of the pathogens studied in 14.2% samples (1/7) while HHV-6B co-infected in 26.1% samples (6/23). The odds ratio obtained was 1.44, reflecting a positive association. Statistically significant differences were observed between HHV-6 A and B when volume and morphology parameters were analyzed. Both HHV-6A and HHV-6B are associated with alterations in sperm volume, concentration, motility, mortality and morphology. The presence of HHV-6B in genital samples would be associated with alterations in sperm volume and morphology, but their true pathological role, still remains to be answered.