The role of hybrid zones on the phylogeography of two willow species
pairs (Salix L.) in the European Alps
- Loïc Pittet,
- Pia Marinček,
- Piotr Kosiński,
- Natascha Wagner,
- Elvira Hörandl
Loïc Pittet
University of Göttingen Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for Plant Sciences
Author ProfilePia Marinček
University of Göttingen Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for Plant Sciences
Author ProfilePiotr Kosiński
Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences
Author ProfileNatascha Wagner
University of Göttingen Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for Plant Sciences
Author ProfileElvira Hörandl
University of Göttingen Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for Plant Sciences
Author ProfileAbstract
Pleistocene climate oscillations influenced the biogeographical history
of most species. In the European Alps, mountain plants were restricted
to refugial areas during cold phases of glacial cycles and recolonized
newly available habitats during warm periods. The current ranges of
alpine plants represent a transient stage of a continuous and dynamic
recolonization process that started after the last glaciations.
Differences in recolonization rate and range filling are observed
between different mountain plant species, but the reasons remain
insufficiently explored. Here, we investigated hybridization between two
related willow species pairs that came into secondary contact to assess
contemporary dynamics of selection and the potential effects of hybrid
zones on range expansion. RAD sequencing data was used to infer the
biogeographical history of each species pair, to characterize
individuals across the whole distribution area including the secondary
contact zones, and to quantify patterns of genomic clines. Genetic
results were supported by morphometric measurements, ecological data,
and species distribution modeling. Results suggest that peripheral
glacial refugia played a major role in the history of the species. For
both species' pairs, the secondary contact zones showed homoploid
hybridization between parents, which is also supported by the
morphometric analyses. Habitat preferences showed large overlaps of
parental species and a broad range of niches for the hybrids. One hybrid
zone is geographically broader than expected and characterized by
introgression, while the other one is narrow and shows asymmetric
patterns. Current projections of species distributions identified
suitable habitats beyond the secondary contact zone, suggesting an
incomplete range filling.