Lifeng Zhang

and 6 more

Terrestrial ecosystem water balance refers to the state between inputs from precipitation, and outputs including evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge and runoff. The Three River Source Region (TRSR) is known as the “water tower of Asia” and is an important water source region for much of southeast Asia. Spatial and temporal distributions of water balance have changed within the TRSR under recent changing climatic conditions. However, the status and variation of water balance under the influence of environmental factors remain unclear. We used a daily time step ecosystem water model (SOILWAT2) and 35 years data for 29 meteorological stations to describe water balance across the TRSR and found that 15 of the sites represented a net water source (precipitation > actual evapotranspiration) between 1981 and 2015. Stations at intermediate elevations (3400 to 4100 m) and low latitudes (< 34°N) were net water sources; stations at lower and higher elevations as well as higher latitudes were not sources because of moisture limitations by a dry climate. In contrast to a strong spatial pattern, we found no obvious temporal trend of the net water source. The interannual and seasonal variability of the net water source is dependent on the temporal fluctuations in potential evapotranspiration and precipitation. We therefore suggest that there is an elevation and latitude dominated spatial pattern of the water balance on the TRSR, with important implications for the availability of water resources.

Robert Anderson

and 4 more

Climate change is projected to alter the structure of plant communities due to increasing temperatures and changes to precipitation patterns, particularly in midlatitude dryland ecosystems. Modifications to climatic suitability may lead to major community changes such as altered dominant plant functional types. Previous studies have indicated that climatic suitability is likely to increase for C4 grasses and decrease for C3 grasses in the western United States. However, if no C4 grass species currently exist to serve as a propagule source, expansion into areas of increased suitability will be limited. We conducted a field and modeling study in the Upper Green River Basin (UGRB) of western Wyoming to determine if 1) C4 grasses are present to provide a propagule source and 2) C4 grasses are likely to increase in importance relative to C3 grasses due to climatic changes. We searched 44 sites for C4 grasses to establish presence, and modeled suitability at 35 sites using 17 Global Climate Models, two greenhouse gas Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs; 4.5 and 8.5), and two time-periods (mid- and late-century; 2030-2060 and 2070-2099, respectively). We found C4 grasses at 10 of the 44 sites, indicating that there is a present propagule source. Our model projected increases in suitability for both C3 and C4 grasses across sites for all RCPs and time-periods. In the mid-century RCP 4.5 scenario, the C3 functional type increased in projected biomass in 29 of 35 sites, and the C4 type increased in 31 sites. In this scenario, C3 grasses increased in projected biomass by a median 4 gm-2 (5% change), and C4 grass biomass increased by a median 8 gm-2 (21% change). Our study suggests that climate change will increase climatic suitability for grasses across the UGRB, and that all requirements are in place for C4 grasses to increase in abundance.