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Case report: rapid improvement in pulmonary hypertension related with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia by iloprost inhalation in a postpartum patient
  • +3
  • Shengyu Hao,
  • Yaxiaerjiang Muhetaer,
  • Xin Zheng,
  • Yuliang Long,
  • Jieqiong Song,
  • Ming Zhong
Shengyu Hao
Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University
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Yaxiaerjiang Muhetaer
Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University
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Xin Zheng
Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University
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Yuliang Long
Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University
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Jieqiong Song
Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University
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Ming Zhong
Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University

Corresponding Author:zhongming2022@163.com

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07 Feb 2024Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
17 Feb 2024Submission Checks Completed
17 Feb 2024Assigned to Editor
22 Feb 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned