Title of Article: Response to Correspondence ALL-2023-01107
“Short-course subcutaneous treatment with PQ Grass strongly improves
symptom and medication scores in grass allergy”
- Pieter-Jan de Kam,
- Stefan Zielen,
- Jonathan Bernstein,
- Uwe E. Berger MBA,
- Markus Berger,
- M. Cuevas,
- D. Cypcar,
- A. Fuhr-Horst,
- W.A. Greisner,
- M. Jandl,
- Sabine Lassmann,
- Margitta Worm,
- J. Matz,
- E. Sher,
- C. Smith,
- G.C. Steven,
- Ralph Mosges,
- Mohamed Shamji,
- L. Du Buske,
- F. Borghese,
- Kemi Oluwayi,
- Thomas Zwingers,
- M. Seybold,
- Oliver Armfield,
- Matthew Heath,
- Simon Hewings,
- Matthias Kramer,
- Murray Skinner
Pieter-Jan de Kam
Allergy Therapeutics Plc
Corresponding Author:pieter-jan.dekam@allergytherapeutics.com
Author ProfileMarkus Berger
Hospital Hietzing Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Author ProfileA. Fuhr-Horst
ENT Research- Institut für klinische Studien
Author ProfileSabine Lassmann
Studienzentrum Dr Sabine Laßmann Saalfeld Germany
Author ProfileRalph Mosges
IMSB (Institute of Computational Biology and Medical Statistics) University at Cologne
Author ProfileMohamed Shamji
Imperial College London National Heart and Lung Institute
Author ProfileL. Du Buske
University of Washington Division of General Internal Medicine
Author Profile