This study evaluated the construct validity, concurrent validity, convergent validity, reliability, and measurement invariance of the Turkish version of the Career Decision-Making Outcome Expectancies Scale (CDMOES) and the Career Decision-Making Exploratory Intentions Scale (CDMEIS) among 297 Turkish undergraduate students (59.9% women and 40.1% men). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) demonstrated a single-factor construct for each of the CDMOES and CDMEIS Turkish versions. As expected, the CDMOES and CDMEIS Turkish versions were positively correlated with selfefficacy in career decision-making. Multi-group CFAs demonstrated that the CDMOES and CDMEIS Turkish versions had measurement invariance across gender. Furthermore, the CDMOES and CDMEIS Turkish versions demonstrated high reliability (α = .92 and α = .91). The results provide evidence that the CDMOES and CDMEIS Turkish versions are valid, reliable, and thus potentially useful for practice and research on career decision outcome expectations and intentions of Turkish undergraduate students.