This study examines the impact of entrepreneurial individual vision and role models on perceived entrepreneurial opportunities resulting from the COVID-19, while assessing the moderating role of grit (passion and perseverance). The results of the path analysis method (based on the 2020 data of Iran’s Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) indicate that the “entrepreneurial individual vision” of early-stage entrepreneurs has the direct positive impact on their perceived entrepreneurial opportunities arising from the crisis. However, in the condition of the pandemic, Grit-passion, and Grit-perseverance exhibit a mixed moderating effect. The Grit-passion weakens positive effect of “entrepreneurial individual vision” on “perceived entrepreneurial opportunities caused by the crisis,” while the Grit-perseverance strengthens this positive effect. Additionally, in the challenging and difficult circumstances of the crisis, early-stage entrepreneurs find themselves inspired by the achievements of other entrepreneurs who have launched their businesses during the crisis. This role model influences the perceived entrepreneurial opportunities resulting from the COVID-19.