A Systematic Review of Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs for Patient with
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts Surgery
Background and objectives: Cardiac rehabilitation program (CRP) is a
multidisciplinary strategy to help cardiac patients override the
complications associated with cardiac disease. Patients following
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) face a critical complication that
may affect their health-related quality of life and physiological
outcomes, and these programs provide a better and faster recovery from
cardiac surgery within the first weeks after surgery. This study reviews
the impact of cardiac rehabilitation programs on the specific outcomes
among CABG patients. Methods: In this systematic review the PRISMA-2020
guideline was used. Assessment of quality of the chosen studies, using
the “Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trial (CONSORT)” and
Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Nonrandomized Designs (TREND)
checklist. Eligible studies were finally included in the literature
review were 8 out of the 45 records identified, (from 2010-2021).
Results: The cardiac rehabilitation program showed a consistent
enhancement in health-related quality of life as a primary outcome and
in the physiological variables as a secondary outcome. This study of a
systematic review of experimental and non-experimental studies
highlights the positive impact of this type of program on health-related
quality of life and physiological variables of CABG patients.
Conclusion: The results have significant implications in nursing
research and practice, as the data offered can be used by the
stakeholders and administrators of health institutions to improve their
awareness of joining CRP in the routine care of CABG patients. KEYWORDS:
cardiac rehabilitation programs, experimental study, health-related
quality of life, physiological variables, systematic review.