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A review of literature about migratory animals of Colombia
  • +1
  • Angélica Arenas-Rodríguez,
  • Hernan Morales-Devia,
  • German Leonardo Jimenez,
  • Julio Mario Hoyos
Angélica Arenas-Rodríguez
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
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Hernan Morales-Devia
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Biblioteca General Alfonso Borrero Cabal S J
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German Leonardo Jimenez
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
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Julio Mario Hoyos
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Corresponding Author:jmhoyos@javeriana.edu.co

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Aim Colombia is a country that provides a wide supply of nutrients produced in its different regions during the two seasons that make up its climate, being a place of arrival, departure, or transit of migratory species. We wanted to collect the bibliographic information associated with migratory species that transit Colombia and that were reported in scientific documentation. Location The systematic search for information was carried out using virtual platforms from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia. Methods Information about the migratory species of Colombia (MSC) was compiled from two bibliographic databases (Scopus and Web of Science-SciELO Citation Index), combining biological aspects with keywords associated with migration. From both the Scopus and Web of Science databases (SciELO Citation index), the largest number of articles was collected using query strings, which included words associated with the migration of Colombian species (names associates with MSC, class of migration, distribution geographical, migratory orientation, and phylogeny). Results Between 1914 and 2020, we recovered 4286 titles globally, and of these titles, 264 only for Colombia, according to the affiliation reported by the authors in the different publications. Publication trends show that research on migratory species is being conducted mainly in fishes, mammals, and birds. An association between the words and the fields of knowledge related with the migratory animal groups present in Colombia was found, showing that the migratory species have been studied in cooperation with partners of other countries and this visualized with text mining. Main conclusions The data show that Colombian fauna biodiversity is big but the number of studies in MSC is reduced. Keywords Bibliographic review, Biodiversity, Colombia, Information metrics, Migratory species