Linking physiology to ecosystem function: how vulnerable are different
functional groups to climate change?
The resilience of ecosystem function under global climate change is
governed by individual species vulnerabilities and the functional groups
they comprise. Yet it remains unclear whether the species that
contribute to different functional processes which underpin ecosystem
function exhibit differential vulnerability to climate change. We used
existing thermal physiological trait data across a range of terrestrial
species to examine the vulnerability of key functional groups to climate
change (e.g. decomposers, primary producers, pollinators, primary,
secondary and tertiary consumers). We found that primary producers had
the broadest warming margins across the globe, and that vulnerability
tended to increase with trophic level. However, we found that
vulnerability within functional groups changed across geographic scales,
where some groups were more vulnerable in low-latitude regions and
others were more vulnerable at mid-latitude regions. This study provides
a critical first step in linking individual species vulnerabilities with
whole ecosystem responses to climate change.