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Some new post-quantum Ostrowski-type integral inequalities for twice (p,q)-differentiable convex functions
  • +2
  • Waewta Luangboon,
  • Kamsing Nonlaopon,
  • Jessada Tariboon,
  • S.K. Ntouyas,
  • Huseyin Budak
Waewta Luangboon
Khon Kaen University Faculty of Science
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Kamsing Nonlaopon
Khon Kaen University Faculty of Science

Corresponding Author:nkamsi@kku.ac.th

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Jessada Tariboon
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok
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S.K. Ntouyas
University of Ioannina
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Huseyin Budak
Duzce University
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In this paper, we establish a new (p,q)-integral identity using twice (p,q)-differentiable convex functions. Then, we use this result to derive some new post-quantum Ostrowski-type integral inequalities for twice (p,q)-differentiable convex functions. The newly established results are also proven to generalize some existing results in the area of integral inequalities of already published ones.