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Ultrasound-Assisted Lumbar Puncture for Obese Pediatric Oncology Patients: A Feasibility Study
  • +1
  • Julie Leviter,
  • Nina Kadan-Lottick,
  • Claudia Auerbach,
  • Antonio Riera
Julie Leviter
Yale University School of Medicine

Corresponding Author:julie.leviter@yale.edu

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Nina Kadan-Lottick
Yale University School of Medicine
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Claudia Auerbach
Yale University
Author Profile
Antonio Riera
Yale University School of Medicine
Author Profile


Lumbar punctures (LPs) are performed frequently on children with leukemia and lymphoma as part of the standard of care. They are typically performed by pediatric oncology providers for both diagnostic and therapeutic interventions with the aid of moderate or deep sedation. Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) has emerged as a promising strategy to aid in lumbar puncture procedures and has been found to be associated with lower number of attempts, and higher success rates. We describe our experience using POCUS to assist with LPs in a subgroup of pediatric oncology patients identified to be procedurally difficult secondary to obesity. This collaboration was well received and resulted in successful LPs in most (8/9) cases. This is a promising modality to improve the delivery of care and LP success in pediatric oncology patients.