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A comparison of analytical solutions of nonlinear complex generalized Zakharov dynamical system for various definitions of the differential operator
  • +3
  • Melih Cinar,
  • Ismail Onder,
  • Aydin Secer,
  • Tukur Sulaiman,
  • Abdullahi Yusuf,
  • Mustafa BAYRAM
Melih Cinar
Yildiz Technical University
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Ismail Onder
Yildiz Technical University
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Aydin Secer
Yildiz Technical University

Corresponding Author:asecer@yildiz.edu.tr

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Tukur Sulaiman
Biruni Universitesi
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Abdullahi Yusuf
Biruni University
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Mustafa BAYRAM
Biruni Universitesi
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In this paper, the conformable and M− truncated nonlinear complex generalized Zakharov dynamical system are considered. The exact solutions of the dynamical system for different two types of derivatives are derived by using the extended rational sine−cosine and sinh−cosh methods. We make a comparison between the solutions of the Zakharov system with the conformable derivative and the system with M− truncated derivative. The results are depicted in the 2D and 3D graphics. All computations and graphics are fulfilled with the help of Wolfram Mathematica 12. The methods can be successfully applied to get soliton solutions of PDEs (or PDE systems) with the different types of derivatives.