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Magnetic Resonance-High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MR-HIFU) in uterine fibroids management: An updated meta-analysis.
  • +4
  • Shilin Zheng,
  • Yu Rong,
  • Haiyun Zhu,
  • Xiaoyu Zhang,
  • Xuan Liu,
  • Yun Wu,
  • Meng Zhao
Shilin Zheng
Wuhan Third Hospital-Tongren Hospital of Wuhan University
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Yu Rong
Guizhou Provincial People’s Hospital
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Haiyun Zhu
Linyi County People's Hospital
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Xiaoyu Zhang
Affiliated Hospital of Chifeng University
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Xuan Liu
Wuhan Third Hospital-Tongren Hospital of Wuhan University
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Yun Wu
Wuhan Third Hospital-Tongren Hospital of Wuhan University
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Meng Zhao
First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University

Corresponding Author:zhaomeng27@sina.com

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Purpose: Magnetic Resonance-High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MR-HIFU) has revolutionized the treatment of Uterine fibroids. Usually, they are associated with prolonged heavy bleeding during the menstrual period, sacral pain, and increased frequency of UTIs, secondary dysmenorrhea, constipation, and pregnancy-associated problems. It also impacts usual activities, which lead to diminished quality of life and rising healthcare costs. Generally, surgery is the only choice for uterine fibroids; however, MR-HIFU is an entirely non-invasive novel therapy, preferred in pregnancy desiring females. Excluding trials with stringent treatment protocols that are no longer used, the efficacy of Magnetic Resonance-High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MRHIFU) therapy for uterine fibroids is being re-evaluated. Methods: RCTs, Prospective or Retrospective non-randomized, and cross-over studies that considered clinically symptomatic uterine fibroid treatment were included. The author has searched the data in Cochrane Library, PubMed/MEDLINE, SCOPUS, EMBASE databases. Meta-Analysis was performed using NCSS software, and data were analyzed at a 95% confidence level with a level of precision at 0.05. The NPV%, tSSS change%, and QoL were computed. Meta-Regression was done to evaluate the association between the different parameters. Results: The overall effect of NPV% was 70.24, where the 95% confidence interval ranged from 61.9% to 78.16%. The overall impact of tSSS% change is near 50% after the follow-up of 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months in the included studies. There was a significant improvement in the health-related quality of life (Hr-QoL). Conclusion: The efficacy of MR-HIFU therapy was improved as treatment protocols aimed for total ablation. On the other hand, regulated studies are required to determine the function of MR-HIFU in the treatment of uterine fibroids.