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Safe management of acute respiratory failure by mediastinal lymphoma: Transient endotracheal stent placement with short-term extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
  • +3
  • Momoko Oyake,
  • Souichi Suenobu,
  • Naoki Hirano,
  • Hironori Goto,
  • Shuji Kuga,
  • Kenji Ihara
Momoko Oyake
Oita University Faculty Of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine
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Souichi Suenobu
Oita University Faculty of Medicine

Corresponding Author:suenobu@oita-u.ac.jp

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Naoki Hirano
Oita University Faculty of Medicine
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Hironori Goto
Oita University Faculty of Medicine
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Shuji Kuga
Oita University Faculty Of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine
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Kenji Ihara
Oita University Faculty of Medicine
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Intensive respiratory management under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is essential for patients with severe respiratory failure; however, critical complications during ECMO management are a matter of concern. We report the case of an adolescent with T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma with a respiratory emergency due to compression of the trachea by an anterior mediastinum tumor, for whom ECMO followed by endotracheal stent (ES) was urgently introduced. Biopsy and initial chemotherapy were introduced under short-term management by ECMO for 23 hours. Transient ECMO followed by ES would be a robust option for the patients at risk of respiratory crisis due to mediastinal tumors.