Multimodality Imaging in COVID-19 Patient with Massive Mobile Right
Ventricle Thrombus Protruding into the Pulmonary Trunk and the Mean
Pulmonary Arteries
Corona virus (COVID-19)-related inflammation can promote a
pro-thrombotic process and subsequent thrombosis. Right heart chambers
thrombus considered an unusual location. We report a 51-year confirmed
COVID-19 infection, who presented with chest pain and severe hypoxemia.
Echocardiography demonstrated a large mobile right ventricle thrombus
protruding into the right ventricle outflow tract. Computed tomography
angiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging showed the extension
of the thrombus into the pulmonary trunk. Continuous intravenous
unfractionated heparin infusion resulted in a dramatic clinical and
echocardiographic improvement.