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Assessment of the hemagglutinating activity of the Porcine orthorubulavirus.
  • +5
  • Ricardo Albarrán-Rodriguez,
  • Hector Castillo,
  • Jose Francisco Rivera-Benitez,
  • Gabriel R Campos-Montes,
  • Blanca Espinosa,
  • Tania Madrigal-Valencia,
  • Erika Salazar,
  • Humberto Ramirez-Mendoza
Ricardo Albarrán-Rodriguez
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
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Hector Castillo
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco
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Jose Francisco Rivera-Benitez
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agricolas y Pecuarias Centro Nacional de Investigacion Disciplinaria Microbiologia Animal
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Gabriel R Campos-Montes
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana - Xochimilco
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Blanca Espinosa
Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias
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Tania Madrigal-Valencia
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
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Erika Salazar
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Humberto Ramirez-Mendoza
UNAM Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia

Corresponding Author:betosram@yahoo.es

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Blue eye disease (BED) in pigs is caused by Porcine orthorubulavirus (P. orthorubulavirus) of the Paramyxoviridae family. It is an endemic disease in swine production in the central region of Mexico and causes nervous signs and high mortality in suckling pigs, pneumonia in growing pigs, orchitis in boars and mummification during gestation. P. orthorubulavirus hemagglutinates most erythrocytes of domestic species. For serological diagnosis, the hemagglutination inhibition test is used, and in this test, guinea pig, bovine and chicken erythrocytes have been commonly used. In this investigation, hemagglutination with P. orthorubulavirus was evaluated using the erythrocytes of seven domestic species (chicken, bovine, horse, pig, dog, guinea pig and rabbit). In the hemagglutination test, the following parameters were evaluated: temperature (25°C and 37°C), bottoms of the wells (V and U), erythrocyte concentration (0.5, 0.75, and 1%), and reading time (15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 min). Significant differences (P < 0.001) were found in most of the evaluated treatments. The best hemagglutination results were obtained with chicken, bovine and horse erythrocytes. The hemagglutination titer is higher (2 dilutions) when using chicken erythrocytes than when using bovine or horse erythrocytes. If chicken erythrocytes are used in the inhibition of hemagglutination, the test will be more sensitive, while it is more specific when bovine or horse erythrocytes are used. The hemagglutination readings are imprecise when using erythrocytes from dogs, pigs, guinea pigs and rabbits. Erythrocytes from these species should not be used for the diagnosis or investigation of P. orthorubulavirus.