Traditional maritime surveillance often relies on static cameras,
limiting coverage and efficiency in detecting vessels. This paper
proposes a novel real-time UAV-based vessel detection system that
addresses these limitations. The system leverages a Dynamic Camera
Control Strategy that overcomes fixed field-of-view constraints by
adjusting camera angles based on predefined search patterns, historical
data, and real-time sensor feedback. This systematic scanning approach
ensures comprehensive coverage, minimizing missed detections.
Furthermore, a Feature-Based Prioritization Scheme facilitates real-time
target confirmation by analyzing features like size, shape, and, if
applicable from additional sensors, other relevant data. This scheme
prioritizes promising candidates for further analysis, reducing false
positives. By comparing features with a reference vessel stored in the
system (using a ResNet50-based module), the system effectively
discriminates between vessels and other objects, while movement analysis
helps distinguish stationary objects. Our system was evaluated using
real-world testing and simulation, demonstrating significant
improvements in detection accuracy and processing speed compared to
state-of-the-art methods. This research presents a valuable contribution
to UAV-based maritime surveillance, enhancing operational efficiency and
detection accuracy for various real-world applications.