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A Review of the Health Impacts of Air Pollutants
  • Jay Patel ,
  • William Song
Jay Patel
Bergen County Academies

Corresponding Author:pjay107835@gmail.com

Author Profile
William Song
Bergen County Academies


Air pollution has emerged as a critical global concern in our era due to its far-reaching impacts on the environment and human health. Air pollutants including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide, are of immediate concern and are sources of morbidity and mortality. Additionally, air pollutants pose severe threats to human health, encompassing acute and chronic conditions. Particulate matter, composed of fine particles and aerosols, heightens the risk of respiratory diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), with long-term exposure linked to lung cancer. Carbon monoxide (CO), emitted from combustion, induces hypoxia, causing headaches, fatigue, and, in severe cases, cardiovascular complications and fatalities. Ground level ozone exacerbates respiratory distress, aggravates asthma, and impairs lung function. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from vehicles and industries irritates the respiratory system, contributing to respiratory diseases, while sulfur dioxide (SO2) from fossil fuels worsens respiratory conditions. Synergistic effects amplify health risks, particularly for vulnerable populations. Addressing these threats necessitates comprehensive strategies to reduce emissions, improve air quality, and protect the health of diverse communities.