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A Case Study Highlighting the Fatal Nature and Underappreciation of Herbicidal Toxicity
  • +1
  • Pratik Adhikari,
  • Sujan Kafle,
  • Varsha Chhetri,
  • Joshan Bajracharya
Pratik Adhikari
BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences

Corresponding Author:adhikaripratik1450@gmail.com

Author Profile
Sujan Kafle
BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
Author Profile
Varsha Chhetri
BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
Author Profile
Joshan Bajracharya
BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
Author Profile
16 Aug 2024Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
23 Aug 2024Submission Checks Completed
23 Aug 2024Assigned to Editor
04 Sep 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
12 Sep 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
12 Sep 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor