In the past few years, a new type of circuit board, named here as active substrate board (ASB), was introduced over circuit applications of diodes. Unlike a traditional printed circuit board (PCB), an ASB has its substrate made of a semiconductor. The inability of the traditional integrated circuit (IC) technology to integrate wavelength dependent radio frequency (RF) components triggered the advent of ASBs. These boards draw desirable features from IC as well as PCB technologies. Unprecedented challenges came up in modeling the different devices fabricated on an ASB owing to their large sizes and the presence of wideband microwaves. So far, modeling the effect of large sizes and ambient microwaves on DC bias of diodes have not been considered in scientific literature. Furthermore, the state of the art numerical simulators are unable to imitate the behavior of such diodes observed over measurements. Here, a semi-analytical, behavioral DC model of three dimensional (3D), distributed diodes on ASB is presented that is fairly accurate in predicting the actual behavior of the diodes. The model also opines a novel phenomenon of an AC affecting a DC with an added resistance.