It is a challenge to select the “best” recent publications in a field. This is especially so when faced with a feast of outstanding manuscripts across a broad range of topics. I therefore reached out to a Who’s Who of friends and colleagues in pediatric pulmonary and sleep medicine for suggestions, and I was delighted and overwhelmed by the response – please see the Acknowledgements for those who contributed ideas. Overwhelmed, by having to read 77 publications suggested by one or more colleagues and having to winnow the list down to a somewhat reasonable number. I chose to include all papers mentioned by two or more of my colleagues and I then selected the remainder to cover the broad range of our field, based upon my belief that a manuscript represented an important contribution to our understanding and clinical care. What follows are the chosen papers organized by topic area. Given the number of papers that made the final cut, I have briefly summarized each of these manuscripts. I hope that you will find something new and exciting in these publications and that you will have as much fun in reading them as I did.