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Earth Observation to Monitor and Redress Inequitable Post-Flood Recovery
  • +13
  • Hannah K Friedrich,
  • Beth Tellman,
  • Jonathan A Sullivan,
  • Alex Saunders,
  • Adriana A Zuniga-Terran,
  • Laura Bakkensen,
  • Max Cawley,
  • Michaela Dolk,
  • Robert Emberson,
  • Steven A Forrest,
  • Neha Gupta,
  • Narayan Gyawali,
  • Caitlyn A Hall,
  • Albert Kettner,
  • Jorge Luis Sanchez Lozano,
  • Gode B Bola
Hannah K Friedrich
University of Arizona

Corresponding Author:hfriedrich@arizona.edu

Author Profile
Beth Tellman
University of Arizona
Author Profile
Jonathan A Sullivan
University of Arizona
Author Profile
Alex Saunders
University of Arizona
Author Profile
Adriana A Zuniga-Terran
University of Arizona
Author Profile
Laura Bakkensen
University of Arizona
Author Profile
Max Cawley
North Carolina Museum of Life and Science
Author Profile
Michaela Dolk
World Bank
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Robert Emberson
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Author Profile
Steven A Forrest
University of Hull
Author Profile
Neha Gupta
University of Arizona
Author Profile
Narayan Gyawali
Agriculture and Forestry University
Author Profile
Caitlyn A Hall
University of Arizona
Author Profile
Albert Kettner
University of Colorado Boulder
Author Profile
Jorge Luis Sanchez Lozano
Brigham Young University
Author Profile
Gode B Bola
Congo Basin Water Resources Research Center
Author Profile