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Closed Inguinal Castration technique in horses compared with Field Castrations using post-operative Serum Amyloid A analysis.
  • Dirk Riemersma,
  • Gerold Fahlbusch,
  • Astrid Rijkenhuizen
Dirk Riemersma
Pferdepraxis Den Heyberg

Corresponding Author:riemersma@email.de

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Gerold Fahlbusch
Pferdepraxis Den Heyberg
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Astrid Rijkenhuizen
Equine surgery consultancy
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Introduction: A closed inguinal castration technique was compared with field castrations based on the post-operative (p.o.) inflammatory marker Serum Amyloid A (SAA). Third day p.o. SAA, which has been related to trauma, has been reported after field castrations in four different studies in literature between 500 mg/l and 700 mg/l. These values were compared with SAA values measured on day three after routine castration using a closed inguinal approach applied under general anaesthesia under strict aseptic conditions. Materials and Methods: 51 Male horses were presented for routine castration. Serum was collected pre-operatively and on day 3 post operatively. Castration was performed using a closed inguinal approach in dorsal recumbence under general anaesthesia. The vaginal process was retrieved by blunt dissection over an inguinal skin incision. The closed proximal vaginal process was crushed by a Sand emasculator and ligated at this site. Vaginal Process with content was cut off 10 mm distal to the ligated site. Skin incisions were closed intra cutaneously. Antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs were not applied. Results: 48 horses tested negative (SAA< 3mg/l) pre-operatively. Two ponies and one standardbred showed pre-operative 5mg/l, 7mg/l and 75mg/l respectively. Mean SAA value of all 51 horses, three days post operatively, measured 94mg/l. 27 Horses showed no elevation in SAA (<3mg/l). Only 8 horses showed SAA values >100mg/l, of which 4 horses > 500mg/l, (514mg/l, 747mg/l, 1110 mg/l and 1160 mg/l) possibly related to additional trauma. Excluding these 4 cases results in a mean SAA value of 27mg/l. Conclusion: Castrations, using a closed inguinal approach, in which proper surgical standards can be maintained, proved to be far less traumatic than field castrations.
24 Jul 2023Submitted to Equine Veterinary Education
26 Jul 2023Submission Checks Completed
26 Jul 2023Assigned to Editor
27 Jul 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned
01 Oct 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
01 Oct 2023Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
18 Feb 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
18 Feb 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
05 Apr 20242nd Revision Received
10 May 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending