Habitat fragmentation can increase the chance of population bottlenecks
and inbreeding, and may ultimately lead to reduced fitness and local
extinction. Notelaea lloydii is a native olive species endemic to
Australia and listed as vulnerable due to its restricted distribution. A
recent molecular systematics study has revealed there might be some
geographic structuring among the N. lloydii populations. Therefore, we
undertook a genome wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) analysis to
determine levels and patterns of genetic diversity, inbreeding and gene
flow within and among N. lloydii populations in south-eastern Queensland
(SE-QLD). Furthermore, as the reproductive phase of a plant’s life
history has a profound influence on genetic diversity, life history
reproductive traits were also studied. Our SNP analysis revealed low
genetic diversity, inbreeding and significant genetic structuring even
among proximate populations. Results of a flower and fruit bagging
experiment in two consecutive seasons revealed that N. lloydii produced
many flowers but only a few fruits survived to maturity. There were no
differences in bagged and un-bagged flowering and fruiting rates and
therefore, we conclude that the high fruit abortion rate was probably
due to inbreeding depression and/or suboptimal conditions, rather than
pollinator availability and insect attack. Overall, results of this
study indicate that the populations of N. lloydii are small, inbred and
genetically isolated and represent unique management units that require
local conservation management due to ongoing threats associated with