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Pseudomonas aeruginosa in children with cerebral palsy: a prospective study
  • +4
  • Katrien Romaen,
  • Isabelle Van Ussel,
  • Carolin Van Rossem,
  • Sandra Kenis,
  • Berten Ceulemans,
  • Kim Van Hoorenbeeck,
  • Stijn Verhulst
Katrien Romaen
Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen

Corresponding Author:katrien.romaen@uza.be

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Isabelle Van Ussel
AZ Voorkempen
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Carolin Van Rossem
ZNA Koningin Paola Kinderziekenhuis
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Sandra Kenis
Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
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Berten Ceulemans
Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
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Kim Van Hoorenbeeck
Universiteit Antwerpen
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Stijn Verhulst
Universiteit Antwerpen
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As we know life expectancy in CP can improve by both preventive measurements as initiation of early therapy concerning respiratory morbidity. The prevalence of PA in this prospective study of children with CP is low, gram-negative bacteria were most commonly found. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat and expand this study since the prevalence of respiratory tract infections is again increasing in the post-covid era.