Using a large dataset of ground-based GNSS scintillation observations coupled with in-situ particle detector data, we perform a statistical analysis of both the input energy flux from precipitating particles, and the observed prevalence of density irregularities in the northern hemisphere cusp. By examining geomagnetic activity trends in the two databases, we conclude that the occurrence of irregularities in the cusp grows increasingly likely during storm-time, whereas the precipitating particle energy flux does not. We thus find a weak or nonexistent statistical link between geomagnetic activity and precipitating particle energy flux in the cusp. This is a result of a documented tendency for the cusp energy flux to maximize during northward IMF, when density irregularities tend not to be widespread. Their number clearly maximizes during southward IMF. At any rate, even though ionization and subsequent density gradients directly caused by soft electron precipitation in the cusp are not to be ignored for the trigger of irregularities, our results point to the need to scrutinize additional physical processes for the creation of irregularities causing scintillations in and around the cusp. While numerous phenomena known to cause density irregularities have been identified and described, there is a need for a systematic evaluation of the conditions under which the various destabilizing mechanisms become important and how they sculpt the observed ionospheric ‘irregularity landscape’. As such, we call for a quantitative assessment of the role of particle precipitation in the cusp, given that other factors contribute to the production of irregularities in a major way.

Bhagyashree Waghule

and 5 more

We combine wavelet analysis and data fusion to investigate geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) on the Mäntsälä pipeline and the associated horizontal geomagnetic field, BH, variations during the late main phase of the 17 March 2013 geomagnetic storm. The wavelet analysis decomposes the GIC and BH signals at increasing ‘scales’ to show distinct multi-minute spectral features around the GIC spikes. Four GIC spikes > 10 A occurred while the pipeline was in the dusk sector – the first sine-wave-like spike at ~16 UT was ‘compound.’ It was followed by three ‘self-similar’ spikes two hours later. The contemporaneous multi-resolution observations from ground-(magnetometer, SuperMAG, SuperDARN), and space-based (AMPERE, TWINS) platforms capture multi-scale activity to reveal two magnetospheric modes causing the spikes. The GIC at ~16 UT occurred in two parts with the negative spike associated with a transient sub-auroral eastward electrojet that closed a developing partial ring current (PRC) loop, whereas the positive spike developed with the arrival of the associated mesoscale flow-channel in the auroral zone. The three spikes between 18-19 UT were due to bursty bulk flows (BBFs). We attribute all spikes to flow-channel injections (substorms) of varying scales. We use previously published MHD simulations of the event to substantiate our conclusions, given the dearth of timely in-situ satellite observations. Our results show that multi-scale magnetosphere-ionosphere activity that drives GICs can be understood using multi-resolution analysis. This new framework of combining wavelet analysis with multi-platform observations opens a research avenue for GIC investigations and other space weather impacts.