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Prospective validation of an equation based on plasma cystatin C for monitoring the glomerular filtration rate in children treated with cisplatin or ifosfamide for cancer
  • +7
  • Etienne Chatelut,
  • Marie Lambert,
  • Mathieu Alonso,
  • Caroline Munzer,
  • Marie-Christine Zimoch,
  • Laurence Malard,
  • Marion Gambart,
  • Marie-Pierre Castex,
  • Carla Martins,
Etienne Chatelut
Centre de Recherche en Cancerologie de Toulouse

Corresponding Author:chatelut.etienne@iuct-oncopole.fr

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Marie Lambert
Centre de Recherche en Cancerologie de Toulouse
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Mathieu Alonso
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse
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Caroline Munzer
Hopital des Enfants
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Marie-Christine Zimoch
Institut Claudius Regaud
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Laurence Malard
Institut Claudius Regaud
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Marion Gambart
Hopital des Enfants
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Marie-Pierre Castex
Hopital des Enfants
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Carla Martins
Hopital des Enfants
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Centre de Recherche en Cancerologie de Toulouse
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We recently proposed an equation to estimate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in children with cancer based on plasma cystatin C and serum creatinine levels together with body weight (the “CysPed equation”). The current clinical study reports a prospective evaluation of this equation in 18 children treated by nephrotoxic chemotherapy. The CysPed equation resulted in less bias and greater precision compared to two equations previously proposed equations by Schwartz, with or without plasma cystatin C. Moreover, the decrease in GFR due to chemotherapy was clearly identified by the CysPed equation. This equation deserves to be evaluated by other teams and routinely used in childhood cancer units.