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Type 1 Diastematomyelia Presenting in Adulthood; an Atypical Presentation
  • +3
  • Faizan Shahzad,
  • Mustafa Shehzad,
  • Humna Younis,
  • Dawood Shehzad,
  • Muhammad Farhan ,
  • Saad Hulou
Faizan Shahzad
Rawalpindi Medical University
Author Profile
Mustafa Shehzad
Shifa College of Medicine
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Humna Younis
District Head Quarters Hospital
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Dawood Shehzad
District Head Quarters Hospital
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Muhammad Farhan
Rawalpindi Medical University
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Saad Hulou
University of Aleppo College of Medicine

Corresponding Author:saad.hulou98@gmail.com

Author Profile
25 Jun 2024Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
17 Jul 2024Submission Checks Completed
17 Jul 2024Assigned to Editor
25 Jul 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned