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A species distribution model of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera for RCP 8.5: worldwide changes and a focus on the southeast Pacific
  • +3
  • Daniel Gonzalez-Aragon,
  • Marcelo Rivadeneira,
  • Carlos Lara,
  • Felipe Torres,
  • Julio Vasquez,
  • Bernardo Broitman
Daniel Gonzalez-Aragon
Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion - Campus San Andres

Corresponding Author:dgonzalez@doctorado.ucsc.cl

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Marcelo Rivadeneira
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas
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Carlos Lara
Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción - Campus San Andrés
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Felipe Torres
Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion - Campus San Andres
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Julio Vasquez
Departamento de Biología Marina Facultad de Ciencias del Mar Universidad Católica del Norte
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Bernardo Broitman
Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Campus Vina del Mar
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Worldwide climate-driven shifts in the distribution of species is of special concern when it involves habitat-forming species. In the coastal environment, large Laminarian algae – kelps – form key coastal ecosystems that support complex and diverse food webs. Among kelps, Macrocystis pyrifera is the most widely distributed habitat-forming species and provides essential ecosystem services. This study aimed to establish the main drivers of future distributional changes on a global scale and use them to predict future habitat suitability with a focus on the southeastern Pacific coast. Using species distribution models (SDM), we examined the changes in global distribution of M. pyrifera under different emission scenarios. To constrain the drivers of our simulations to the most important factors controlling kelp forest distribution across spatial scales, we explored a suite of environmental variables and validated the predictions derived from the SDMs. Minimum sea surface temperature was the most important variable explaining the global distribution of suitable habitat for M. pyrifera. Under different climate change scenarios, we always observed a decrease of suitable habitat at low latitudes, while an increase was detected in other regions, mostly at high latitudes. Along the southeast Pacific, we observed a range contraction of 14.5 of latitude for 2100 under the RCP 8.5 scenario, implying a loss of habitat suitability throughout the coast of Peru and poleward to 27.83S in Chile. On the northern coast of Chile, the area coinciding with the complete habitat loss predicted by our model is under heavy exploitation with over 11,180 tons harvested every year from natural populations of M. pyrifera. The loss of habitat suitability will likely have significant impacts on marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and is a harbinger of massive impacts in the socio-ecological systems of the southeastern Pacific.