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A Call for the Voices of Early Career Researchers
  • Gary S. McDowell,
  • Jessica K. Polka
Gary S. McDowell
Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology and Department of Biology, Tufts University, 200 Boston Avenue, Medford, MA, 02155, USA

Corresponding Author:gary.mcdowell@tufts.edu

Author Profile
Jessica K. Polka
Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, Warren Alpert Building, Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA, 02115, USA
Author Profile


One of the ways that early career researchers can effect change in the academic research system is to make their voices heard, particularly when their input is solicited. Two agencies are soliciting such input until early March 2015: a survey responding to the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Report “Sustaining Discovery in Biological and Medical Sciences: A Discussion Framework”; and a Request for Information on the “Emeritus Award for Senior Researchers” from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  Here we present a call to the scientific community to contribute to the discussions; provide resources that can allow researchers to read further and make informed comments on the proposals; and discuss the proposals in the hope of provoking further debate.