Dispersal ability reduces thermal specialization and prevents
climate-driven extinctions in a Neotropical rainforest
- Cleber Chaves
, - Ana Carnaval,
- Barbara Leal,
- Jessie Santos
, - Erison Carlos Monteiro
, - Clarisse da Silva
Cleber Chaves

Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Campus Cidade Universitaria Zeferino Vaz
Corresponding Author:cleberchaves@gmail.com
Author ProfileErison Carlos Monteiro

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
Author ProfileClarisse da Silva
Campinas State University (Unicamp), Vegetal Biology Department, Biology Institute, Campinas
Author ProfileAbstract
Dispersal ability is a key determinant of the realized species niche.
Yet, whether dispersal ability influences environmental specialization
and exerts a direct, indirect, or null effect on species' tolerances is
still unclear. Here, we ask whether and how dispersal ability can shape
both the realized and fundamental niches. Focusing on plants,
invertebrates, and vertebrates of the topographically complex Atlantic
Rainforest, a top global biodiversity hotspot, we further evaluate how
dispersal ability correlates with species range shifts in response to
climate change. We find that high-dispersal species have broader thermal
tolerances relative to low-dispersal taxa. When projected in geographic
space, the data predict widespread upslope range shifts of the Atlantic
Rainforest biodiversity with the intensity and direction depending on
the species-specific trends depending on dispersal ability. These
upslope movements, in turn, may negatively impact the native communities
intrinsically associated with the Atlantic Forest mountaintops. Under
the warmest climate scenario predicted for the end of the 21st century,
the models project that those species with the lowest dispersal ability,
particularly low-dispersible ectotherms, will be the most impacted by
local extinctions. In turn, the wider thermal tolerance of
high-dispersible species will reduce shifts in their geographical range
due to climate change. Given the rapid rate of habitat conversion
experienced by this and other landscapes worldwide, we argue that the
smaller endurance of low-dispersible species to environmental changes
deserves special attention, as dispersal ability appears relevant for
biodiversity management in a warmer world, especially in threatened
species-rich regions such as this.