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VACTERL-associated bilateral bronchial stenosis with concomitant spinal muscular atrophy
  • +4
  • Hugh McMillan J,
  • Sarah Grace Buttle,
  • Jorge Davila,
  • Julia Bokhaut,
  • Tom Kovesi,
  • Sherri Katz,
  • Refika Ersu
Hugh McMillan J
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
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Sarah Grace Buttle
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Author Profile
Jorge Davila
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Author Profile
Julia Bokhaut
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Author Profile
Tom Kovesi
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Author Profile
Sherri Katz
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Author Profile
Refika Ersu
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Corresponding Author:rersu@cheo.on.ca

Author Profile


VACTERL association is linked to multiple congenital anomalies including tracheoesophageal fistula. In rare cases, VACTERL has been complicated by other airway malformations including severe bronchial stenosis or unilateral pulmonary agenesis. We report a child who developed episodes of oxygen desaturation during sleep associated with high pressure support requirements to maintain ventilation. He was known to have VACTERL association as well as spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type II, a genetic neuromuscular disorder. Children with SMA can show progressive respiratory symptoms, including intercostal muscle weakness and accompanying paradoxical abdominal breathing with sparing of diaphragm function. Our patient was very difficult to ventilate non-invasively despite high pressures. CT chest with dynamic airway evaluation showed bilateral bronchial stenosis. High inspiratory pressures with non-invasive ventilation as seen in our case are required to overcome stenotic airways but are not expected in neuromuscular respiratory failure.
26 Mar 2023Submitted to Pediatric Pulmonology
30 Mar 2023Submission Checks Completed
30 Mar 2023Assigned to Editor
30 Mar 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
10 Apr 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned
07 May 2023Editorial Decision: Revise Major
31 Jul 20231st Revision Received
07 Aug 2023Submission Checks Completed
07 Aug 2023Assigned to Editor
07 Aug 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
07 Aug 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned
19 Aug 2023Editorial Decision: Accept