Qing Sun

and 22 more

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas and an ozone-depleting agent with large and growing anthropogenic emissions. Previous studies identified the influx of N2O-depleted air from the stratosphere to partly cause the seasonality in tropospheric N2O (aN2O), but other contributions remain unclear. Here we combine surface fluxes from eight land and four ocean models from phase 2 of the Nitrogen/N2O Model Intercomparison Project with tropospheric transport modeling to simulate aN2O at the air sampling sites: Alert, Barrow, Ragged Point, Samoa, Ascension Island, and Cape Grim for the modern and preindustrial periods. Models show general agreement on the seasonal phasing of zonal-average N2O fluxes for most sites, but, seasonal peak-to-peak amplitudes differ severalfold across models. After transport, the seasonal amplitude of surface aN2O ranges from 0.25 to 0.80 ppb (interquartile ranges 21-52% of median) for land, 0.14 to 0.25 ppb (19-42%) for ocean, and 0.13 to 0.76 ppb (26-52%) for combined flux contributions. The observed range is 0.53 to 1.08 ppb. The stratospheric contributions to aN2O, inferred by the difference between surface-troposphere model and observations, show 36-126% larger amplitudes and minima delayed by ~1 month compared to Northern Hemisphere site observations. Our results demonstrate an increasing importance of land fluxes for aN2O seasonality, with land fluxes and their seasonal amplitude increasing since the preindustrial era and are projected to grow under anthropogenic activities. In situ aN2O observations and atmospheric transport-chemistry models will provide opportunities for constraining terrestrial and oceanic biosphere models, critical for projecting surface N2O sources under ongoing global warming.

Ronny Lauerwald

and 42 more

In the framework of the RECCAP2 initiative, we present the greenhouse gas (GHG) and carbon (C) budget of Europe. For the decade of the 2010s, we present a bottom-up (BU) estimate of GHG net-emissions of 3.9 Pg CO2-eq. yr-1 (global warming potential on 100 year horizon), and are largely dominated by fossil fuel emissions. In this decade, terrestrial ecosystems are a net GHG sink of 0.9 Pg CO2-eq. yr-1, dominated by a CO2 sink. For CH4 and N2O, we find good agreement between BU and top-down (TD) estimates from atmospheric inversions. However, our BU land CO2 sink is significantly higher than TD estimates. We further show that decadal averages of GHG net-emissions have declined by 1.2 Pg CO2-eq. yr-1 since the 1990s, mainly due to a reduction in fossil fuel emissions. In addition, based on both data driven BU and TD estimates, we also find that the land CO2 sink has weakened over the past two decades. In particular, we identified a decreasing sink strength over Scandinavia, which can be attributed to an intensification of forest management. These are partly offset by increasing CO2 sinks in parts of Eastern Europe and Northern Spain, attributed in part to land use change. Extensive regions of high CH4 and N2O emissions are mainly attributed to agricultural activities and are found in Belgium, the Netherlands and the southern UK. We further analyzed interannual variability in the GHG budgets. The drought year of 2003 shows the highest net-emissions of CO2 and of all GHGs combined.

Yolandi Ernst

and 30 more

As part of the REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes Phase 2 (RECCAP2) project, we developed a comprehensive African Greenhouse gases (GHG) budget for the period 2010-2019 and compared it to the budget over the 1985-2009 (RECCAP1) period. We considered bottom-up process-based models, data-driven remotely sensed products, and national GHG inventories in comparison with top-down atmospheric inversions, accounting also for lateral fluxes. We incorporated emission estimates derived from novel methodologies for termites, herbivores, and fire, which are particularly important in Africa. We further constrained global woody biomass change products with high-quality regional observations. During the RECCAP2 period, Africa’s carbon sink capacity is decreasing, with net ecosystem exchange switching from a small sink of −0.61 ± 0.58 PgCyr−1 in RECCAP1 to a small source in RECCAP2 at 0.162 (-1.793/2.633) PgCyr-1. Net CO2 emissions estimated from bottom-up approaches were 1.588 (-6.461/11.439) PgCO2yr-1, net CH4 were 78.453 (36.665/59.677) TgCH4yr-1) and net N2O were 1.81 (1.716/2.239) TgN2Oyr-1. Top-down atmospheric inversions showed similar trends. LUC emissions increased, representing one of the largest contributions at 1.746 (0.841/2.651) PgCO2eq yr-1 to the African GHG budget and almost similar to emissions from fossil fuels at 1.743 (1.531/1.956) PgCO2eq yr-1, which also increased from RECCAP1. Additionally, wildfire emissions decreased, while fuelwood burning increased. For most component fluxes, uncertainty is large, highlighting the need for increased efforts to address Africa-specific data gaps. However, for RECCAP2, we improved our overall understanding of many of the important components of the African GHG budget that will assist to inform climate policy and action.

Xuhui Wang

and 39 more

East Asia (China, Japan, Koreas and Mongolia) has been the world’s economic engine over at least the past two decades, exhibiting a rapid increase in fossil fuel emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and has expressed the recent ambition to achieve climate neutrality by mid-century. However, the GHG balance of its terrestrial ecosystems remains poorly constrained. Here, we present a synthesis of the three most important long-lived greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) budgets over East Asia during the decades of 2000s and 2010s, following a dual constraint bottom-up and top-down approach. We estimate that terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia is close to neutrality of GHGs, with a magnitude of between 196.9 ± 527.0 Tg CO2eq yr-1 (the top-down approach) and -20.8 ± 205.5 Tg CO2eq yr-1 (the bottom-up approach) during 2000-2019. This net GHG emission includes a large land CO2 sink (-1251.3 ± 456.9 Tg CO2 yr-1 based on the top-down approach and -1356.1 ± 155.6 Tg CO2 yr-1 based on the bottom-up approach), which is being fully offset by biogenic CH4 and N2O emissions, predominantly coming from the agricultural sector. Emerging data sources and modelling capacities have helped achieve agreement between the top-down and bottom-up approaches to within 20% for all three GHGs, but sizeable uncertainties remain in several flux terms. For example, the reported CO2 flux from land use and land cover change varies from a net source of more than 300 Tg CO2 yr-1 to a net sink of ~-700 Tg CO2 yr-1.

Jingting Zhang

and 6 more

The U.S. rice paddy systems play an increasingly vital role in ensuring food security, which also contribute massive anthropogenic non-CO2 (CH4 and N2O) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with expanding cultivation area. Yet, the full assessment of GHG balance, considering trade-offs between soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration and non-CO2 GHG emissions, is lacking. Integrating an improved agricultural ecosystem model with a meta-analysis of multiple field studies, we found that U.S. rice paddy was a rapidly growing net GHG emission source, increased 138% to 8.88 ± 2.65 Tg CO2eq yr-1 in the 2010s. CH4 emission made the most significant contribution (10.12 ± 2.28 Tg CO2eq yr-1) to this increase in net GHG emissions in the 2010s, but increasing N2O emissions, accounting for ~2.4% (0.21 ± 0.03 Tg CO2eq yr-1), cannot be ignored. SOC sequestration could offset about 14.0% (1.45 ± 0.46 Tg CO2eq yr1) of the climate-warming effects of soil non-CO2 GHG emissions in the 2010s. The aggravation of net GHG emissions stemmed from intensified land use/cover changes, rising atmospheric CO2, and heightened synthetic N fertilizer and manure application. Climate change exacerbated around ~21% of soil N2O emissions and ~10% of soil CO2 release in the 2010s. Nonetheless, adopting no/reduced tillage resulted in a substantial decrease of ~10 % in net soil GHG emissions, and non-continuous irrigation exhibited the potential to mitigate around 39% of soil non-CO2 GHG emissions. Great potential for emissions reduction in the mid-South U.S. by optimizing synthetic N fertilizer and manure ratios, reducing tillage, and implementing non-continuous irrigation.