A rare case of splenic hematoma after drainage of splenic abscess with
infective endocarditis
- Xuejie Li
, - Kun Huang
, - Jiaqi Yang
Xuejie Li

West China Hospital of Sichuan University
Corresponding Author:lizuima@hotmail.com
Author ProfileAbstract
Infective endocarditis with splenic abscesses remains a complex and
unusual clinical scenario. We present a rare case of splenic hematoma
caused by puncture and drainage of splenic abscess with infective
endocarditis. The puncture drainage of the splenic abscess may lead to
bleeding or the spread of infection. So when infective endocarditis is
complicated with splenic abscess, splenectomy rather than drainage of
the splenic abscess is preferred to lower the risk of splenic hemorrhage
and eradicate the source of infection.