The Future of Food Allergy: Challenging Existing Paradigms of Clinical
- Katherine (Aikaterini) Anagnostou,
- J.A. Lieberman,
- Matthew Greenhawt,
- Douglas Mack,
- Alexandra Santos,
- Carina Venter,
- David Stukus,
- Paul Turner,
- Helen A. Brough
Katherine (Aikaterini) Anagnostou
Texas Children's Hospital Department of Allergy and Immunology
Author ProfileJ.A. Lieberman
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center Department of Pediatrics
Author ProfileDouglas Mack
McMaster University Department of Pediatrics
Author ProfileAlexandra Santos
King's College London Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine
Author ProfilePaul Turner
Imperial College London National Heart and Lung Institute
Author ProfileHelen A. Brough
King's College London Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine
Author ProfileAbstract
The field of food allergy has seen tremendous change over the past 5-10
years with seminal studies redefining our approach to prevention and
management and novel testing modalities in the horizon. Early
introduction of allergenic foods is now recommended, challenging the
previous paradigm of restrictive avoidance. The management of food
allergy has shifted from a passive avoidance approach to active
interventions that aim to provide protection from accidental exposures,
decrease allergic reaction severity and improve the quality of life of
food-allergic patients and their families. Additionally, novel
diagnostic tools are making their way into the clinical practice with
the goal to reduce the need for food challenges and assist physicians in
the -- often complex -- diagnostic process. With all the new
developments and available choices for diagnosis, prevention and
therapy, shared decision-making has become a key part of the medical
consultation, enabling patients to make the right choice for them, based
on their values and preferences. Communication with patients has also
become more complex over time, as patients are seeking advice online and
through social media, but the information found online may be outdated,
incorrect, or lacking in context. The role of the allergist has evolved
to embrace all the above exciting developments and provide patients with
the optimal care that fits their needs. In this review, we discuss
recent developments, as well as the evolution of the field of food
allergy in the next decade.04 Jan 2023Submitted to Allergy 05 Jan 2023Submission Checks Completed
05 Jan 2023Assigned to Editor
05 Jan 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
09 Jan 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned
04 Feb 2023Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
06 Apr 20231st Revision Received
06 Apr 2023Submission Checks Completed
06 Apr 2023Assigned to Editor
06 Apr 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
08 Apr 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned
26 Apr 2023Editorial Decision: Accept