Information from total electron content (TEC) from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) could be assessed to know the impact of weather events to help in developing prediction and warning systems. The majority of studies focus on the occurrence of only one event neglecting situations where these weather events happen almost simultaneously or consecutively. This current study tends to fill the gap by analyzing ionosphere response following the simultaneous and/or consecutive occurrence of geomagnetic storm and lightning events at various intensities in southern China coastal region. The results showed that the magnitude of the frequency lightning-related events using continuous wavelet transform (CWT) was 0.3-0.4 while that of geomagnetic storm was 0.15-0.3. However, the various levels of intensity could not be distinguished. Being able to differentiate the weather events by the magnitude values following the ionosphere response is good for prediction and modeling purposes as the use of TEC in some studies does not provide this clear distinction.