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Technical Note on Two-layered Model (Casson-Newtonian) for Blood Flow through an Arterial Stenosis
  • Ponalagusamy R.,
  • R Ponalagusamy
Ponalagusamy R.

Corresponding Author:rpalagu@gmail.com

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R Ponalagusamy
Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology


The purpose of this note is to analyze the work done by Haldar and Andersson [1]. Haldar and Andersson [1] have extended the work of Chaturani and Ponalagusamy [2] by taking into the account of axially variable plasma layer thickness. It is pertinent to pinpoint out here that in the case of two-layered model (Casson-Newtonian) for blood flow through a stenosed artery, the analytic expression for flow rate in the core (central) region is a function of axially variable plug core radius (p R) but it becomes dependent on the constant plug core radius (0 r) for the same flow in the artery with no stenosis (uniform artery). It is, in the present analysis, observed that the computation of the axially variable plasma layer thickness from the resultant equation is impossible as it depends on the two unknown parameters p R and 0 r. Hence, the method of computing the axially variable plasma layer thickness is invalid suggested by Haldar and Andersson [1]. Discussion and Conclusion Haldar and Andersson [1] have extended the work of Chaturani and Ponalagusamy [2] by taking into the account of axially variable plasma layer thickness. It is of importance to point out here that when we consider the flow of Casson's fluid (fluid having yield stress) through a