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A Short Note on "Two-layered Model (Casson-Newtonian) for Blood Flow Through an Arterial Stenosis: Axially Variable Slip Velocity at the Wall"
  • Ponalagusamy R.,
  • R Ponalagusamy
Ponalagusamy R.

Corresponding Author:rpalagu@gmail.com

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R Ponalagusamy
Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology


The purpose of this note is to analyze the work done by Ponalagusamy and Tamilselvi [1]. Ponalagusamy and Tamilselvi [1] have obtained the analytic expression for an axially variable slip velocity at the wall by assuming the flow rate for the case of one-layered model with slip velocity is equal to that of two-layered model with zero slip velocity. This assumption may, in general, not be valid. Keeping this in view, the flow rate for the case of one-layered model with slip velocity is generally considered to be equal to the product of a constant(1 C) and the flow rate of two-layered model without slip velocity, where 0 < 1 C. Slip velocity at the wall has been computed for different values of 1 C for tube diameters 40 m  and 66.6 m . It is observed from the present investigation that a series of experiments on blood flow is to be performed to determine the proper values of 1 C under various values of flow parameters and radius of the arterial stenosis.